Art Exhibition
Somerhill Art Exhibition

Our prep pupils’ contribution to the Somerhill Art Exhibition spanned all disciplines from drawing to printmaking and collage to clay. The exhibition featured incredible rockets and marbling inspired by Henri Matisse, painted canvases in the style of Gustav Klimt, Kusama pumpkins, and paintings inspired by Michael Craig-Martin. Amazing animal portraits and a group piece ‘Flock’ were admired by many. The Art of the Machine projects showed exciting and experimental abstract work, while collaborative habitat sculptures added gravitas to the event. Thank you to all the pupils for their extraordinary work and to everyone who supported the show.

The Pre-Prep Art Exhibition was an opportunity for our little learners to showcase a broad range of artistic skills. Their work was based on our current topic ‘From Farm to Fork’ and the children produced honeycomb collages, leaf printing, batik vegetables, wax resist flowers, Frida Kahlo inspired jungle art and much more! The wonders of nature were evident in the children’s finished products! Best of all was the fun they all had experimenting during the process!